Your biomarker discovery

Transforming clinical research into biomarker discovery is the true foundational work and is instrumental to solving the clinical unmet needs in current care practice. We would appreciate collaborating with you and bringing your biomarker discovery to the patient. At SkylineDx, we bridge the gap between (academically) discovered biomarkers and commercially available molecular assays – taking your innovation from the bench to the bedside.

With our global research network and biobanks, we accelerate and de-risk your assay development at every step of your journey. We have various biomarkers in our development pipeline and successfully launched two assays in the USA and Europe making them commercially available to support decision-making for melanoma and multiple myeloma patients.

How we work

We meticulously evaluate hundreds of potential projects each year from (academic) research institutions, and select the most promising ones to do an in-depth screening. After the screening, we go through clinical verification steps and a stringent due diligence to narrow it down to a few chosen license deals. With the presence of two laboratories—one in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and a CAP/CLIA clinical laboratory in San Diego, USA— we meet international quality standards. This dual setup allows for comprehensive and stringent testing, ensuring reliable, accurate, and fast results regardless of where you are located.

Step #1: Scouting

Our extensive network of researchers and academic institutions empowers us to identify the latest discoveries, technologies, and research insights to refine our diagnostic offerings.

Step #2: Screening and Due diligence

After an in-depth screening by our experts on genomic data, signature, and assay development, we choose the most promising discoveries to begin development.

Step #3: Collaboration

During our partnership, we generate the required evidence for biomarker optimization, assay development, clinical validation studies, cross-border (USA, Europe) regulatory approval, guideline inclusion, and reimbursement of the test. All of the steps are key factors in making your test available and accessible to patients.

Partner with us

We encourage you to submit your biomarker discovery or your proposal to write a grant application with us. We are always open to new collaborations. Whether regarding collaborations to collect additional evidence on products already in our pipeline or collaborations outside our current R&D Programs. We believe that scientifically robust and clinically meaningful biomarkers should find their way to patients, therefore we don’t focus on one disease or group of diseases specifically. 

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Submit your innovative idea

Our research programs

We believe that scientifically robust and clinically meaningful biomarkers should find their way to patients, therefore we don’t focus on one disease or group of diseases specifically. We encourage you to submit your biomarker discovery or your proposal to write a grant application with us. We are always open to new collaborations. Whether regarding collaborations to collect additional evidence on products already in our pipeline or collaborations outside our current R&D Programs.

STRIX Program

Before a new molecular biomarker enters our Research & Development Programs, all discoveries and research opportunities are thoroughly evaluated in our dedicated STRIX (Systematic, Translational R&D Workflow, building on Integrated Expertise) Program. Our interdisciplinary team searches, screens, and evaluates hundreds of high-potential biomarkers a year, selecting the most promising. We then partner with the inventor and potentially license the related intellectual property (IP) that allows us to develop and commercialize the biomarker.

We form strong partnerships with technology transfer offices from hospitals and academia, as well as close collaboration with the involved clinicians and researchers directly. When a biomarker progresses from STRIX to one of our R&D Programs, we might file and develop additional IP.

Strix is a genus of the owl family and symbolizes wisdom and perception. Its sharp perception of details, broad view, and ability to see in the dark closely resembles what the STRIX Program is capable of making visible which would otherwise remain hidden.

Falcon R&D Program for Dermato-Oncology

Melanoma is an aggressive type of skin cancer. In melanoma, we have an extensive collaboration named the Falcon R&D Program. As the falcon bird is known as an intelligent creature with unprecedented senses and skills, our R&D program is uniquely equipped to unveil new, detailed insights in the genomic, biologic and clinical nature of melanoma. 

Under the wings of the Falcon R&D Program, a series of specific studies and projects has been initiated, aimed at developing and introducing an array of diagnostic utilities, to provide physicians with the tools to optimize the clinical pathway of their patients. Not by coincidence, related series of studies are named after birds of prey in the Falcon family.

Panthera R&D Program for Hemato-Oncology

The Panthera Program focuses on hematological malignancies, cancers that develop in blood cells. Tackling hematological cancer requires strength and intelligence. Conditions such as multiple myeloma hide deep in the bone marrow.

Delphia R&D Program for Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases

Infectious and Inflammatory diseases consist of many disorders and studies suggest that a dysfunction of the immune system seems to be an important shared characteristic. The first disease in this program is Kawasaki disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you assess all submissions?

Yes, every submission that we receive will be evaluated by our team.

We will contact you initially within one working day. For the proposal, the review depends on the length and details, we will communicate with you how soon we can discuss it.

We will send a CDA or NDA after your initial inquiry to ensure we keep your IP safe.
This will be discussed during the evaluation process.

Newest publications

First author: Sondak et. al
Journal / Conference: SMR 2024

Findings in a combined US and EU multi-center validation study show the potential ability of CP-GEP to support in risk stratifying patients with T1a melanoma.

Journal / Conference: SMR 2024

Findings in a combined US and EU multi-center validation study show the potential ability of CP-GEP to support in risk stratifying patients with T1a melanoma.

Journal / Conference: EADV 2023

By integrating an risk prediction model with established staging systems like AJCC/BWH, we’ve refined risk stratification in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. This empowers the identification of subgroups within lower stages, enhancing personalized follow-up schedules for improved patient outcomes.

First author: Hill
Journal / Conference: AAD conference 2024

Poster presented by Dr. Yu from University Hospital Cleveland Medical Center at AAD 2024. The abstract concludes that the CP-GEP assay improved risk stratification for nodal metastasis and disease recurrence in patients with cutaneous melanoma

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Latest News

The Merlin test (CP-GEP) stratifies melanoma patients based on risk for sentinel lymph node (SLN) metastasis, offering a powerful tool for risk-based decision-making. ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands), SAN DIEGO (CA, USA), October 13,...

The Merlin Test  (CP-GEP) Accurately Stratifies Cutaneous Melanoma Patients as Low Risk or High Risk for Sentinel Lymph Node Metastases Impacting Clinical Decision Making ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands), SAN DIEGO (CA, USA), October...

ROTTERDAM, (the Netherlands), SAN DIEGO (CA, USA), October 8, 2024 – SkylineDx, an innovative diagnostics company specializing in the research and development of molecular diagnostics for oncology, inflammatory, and infectious diseases, announces...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands), SAN DIEGO (CA, USA), July 9, 2024: — SkylineDx, an innovative diagnostics company specializing in the research and development of molecular diagnostics for oncology, inflammatory, and infectious diseases, proudly...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands), SAN DIEGO (CA, USA), May 30, 2024: — SkylineDx announces the presentation of groundbreaking data at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2024 Annual Meeting. Dr. Teresa Amaral,...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands), SAN DIEGO (CA, USA), April 5, 2024: — SkylineDx is pleased to announce two forthcoming scientific publications at the European Association for Dermato-Oncology congress, April 4-6, 2024. These publications...

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